Welcome to the humor page, home to the not at all famous DBZ LSD. It's not a rip-off of Some Random Guy's DBZ Rewrite. I swear.
Episode 1 -- Seven years after Cell is defeated, Goku returns from the dead. No one cares.
Episode 2 -- Gods, refrigerators, the end of the world, etc.
Episode 3 -- Hulking creatures with script "m"s on their foreheads. I DO BELIEVE SOMETHING FISHY IS GOING ON.
New -- It seems that a Some Random Guy feature managed to sneak away with getting ripped off. No longer. The Chrono Trigger Walkthrough is here.
Part 1 -- From the beginning to when things start to get screwed up.
Part 2 -- From your arrival in the middle ages to your return to the present.
All images, text, and html are property of the Crater unless otherwise noted. The Crater is a fan site and no profit is realized from it. It has no affiliation whatsoever with FUNimation, or that big Japanese studio whose name I can't remember. Yeah, that'll hold up in court.