Like it or not, Dragonball Z is just about finished. As for as the series itself goes, its run in the U.S. is nothing next to the popularity it had in Japan, and now even these echoes are starting to subside.
But that's enough touchy-feely crap. At the end of the day, it's just a TV show, and there's only so far a Japanese children's cartoon from the eighties can go before sinking into oblivion. Though oblivion hasn't quite arisen yet, this is as good a time as any to look back, both on the show and on it's presence on the web. (I'll be honest -- that a show nine out of ten people have never heard of is consistently amoung the top searches on the Lycos and Yahoo has interested me almost as much as the show itself.)
The purpose of this site isn't just to summarize all that's happened, however. My aim is to also make it a time capsule of sorts for when the webmasters of all the good sites finally get fed up going deeply into debt to keep their video clips and power levels online. Good sites come up go, but crappy sites on free hosts are forever.
A final warning -- I'm a sarcastic, cynical bastard with a tendency to over-explain and my interest in the show is starting to fade. Most webmasters stop their work when they become apathetic, but I guess I'm unique in that regard. Either that and I didn't plan well and am now searching for something to do with all the screen caps on my hard drive.
No, scratch that. I'm unique, dammit.
Anyway, have a look around, whether you're a fan of the show of you've never watched and episode and are wondering why the hell this "Dragonball" is always on top. (That's what go me interested.) When this site is up and running there'll be information, humor, scans, roms -- I've always had a softspot for bootlegging -- site reviews, and whatever other aspects of the Dragonball Z experience are interesting enough to represent.
Shit... Did I just say "Dragonball Z experience"? I'm slipping.
But never mind that. Stick around. Whatever your tastes, you won't regret it.
I'd like to close with the immortal words of Rich "Asshole" Kyanka: "The Internet makes you stupid."
All images, text, and html are property of the Crater unless otherwise noted. The Crater is a fan site and no profit is realized from it. It has no affiliation whatsoever with FUNimation, or that big Japanese studio whose name I can't remember. Yeah, that'll hold up in court.