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Welcome to the Crater, the indepth hole in the ground for all your Dragonball needs. Whether you've never heard of the series or you're running a drug ring from your mother's apartment to pay for all those imported Japanese eps, there's something here for you. If this is your first visit, take a quick look at the introduction. Ah, forget it. The intro sucks.

Last Update: March 29, 2002: Smarter Child Interview

Caliban    [7:30 PM], [4-13-02]
This site doesn't exist anymore. Thought I'd tell you guys.

Since I'm too lazy to run a site myself, I've merged with I forgot what all those letters stand for, but they've got a domain, which is always a sign of quality.

I meant to say something sooner, but the whole laziness/Euchre issue kept getting in the way. At first I was considering a lengthy farewell message to make fun of Chris Psaros's. ("I cried.") I only got a sentence down before the pizza guy arrived though, and forgot about it until now. So here it is:

It's been quite a ... week.

Now take a look at DBZFE. All the cool kids are doing it.

And while you're at it, download Opera 6.0.

Caliban    [9:30 PM], [3-30-02]
Today there's an interview with Smarterchild over the current state of affairs at the DBZOA. There's a bit of coarse language. Consider yourself warned.

Also, I finally got some links together. I'm missing a lot, but it's a start.

Caliban    [11:45 PM], [3-29-02]
I wasn't feeling particularly funny, so I scanned some daizenshu. 9 more scans from Daizenshu #4. Better images, too.

In other news, the DBZOA turned commie, with a bloodless coup at the message board. Can't say that I'm surprised.

Caliban    [10:05 PM], [3-28-02]
Parts one and two of the Chrono Trigger walkthrough are up. They're in the humor section.

If I don't update between now and then, Happy Easter. Be sure to beat up small children and steal their candy. No ... wait ... Nevermind, that's Halloween.

Caliban    [4:45 PM], [3-25-02]
Hola. Today there's an article on the dragonballs, just in case some of you in the habit of reading dragonball websites don't know what they are. I'm never a good judge, but it's not the best thing up. Right now I'm not sure whether to go with "info" sections like this or to just focus on stuff like the character bios and DBZ LSD, which seems so far to be the most popular feature on the site, hands down. I'm still not exactly sure what direction all this site will take, so feedback on this is much appreciated.

Also, I've got a "walkthrough" -- you can tell by the quotes that it's sure to be chock full of helpful information -- for Chrono Trigger. Most people I've shown it too find it amusing, but I'm not sure if it would fit here. I figure Toriyama designed the characters, so it's fair game. Any thoughts? Yes? no? Click on the little envelope for e-mail, or aim me at kcaliban7. And before I forget, take a look at DBZ Tenkaichi and SSJ4 Kain. When I finally get around to making a links page they'll be on it.

Caliban    [4:45 PM], [3-23-02]
Break out the cheap champagne. The roms are up.

Expect a few more in the coming days, as well as some non-bootlegged content.

Oh, and much thanks to the fine folks at DB-V.

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All images, text, and html are property of the Crater unless otherwise noted. The Crater is a fan site and no profit is realized from it. It has no affiliation whatsoever with FUNimation, or that big Japanese studio whose name I can't remember. Yeah, that'll hold up in court.